REasons to give
Our Vanguard fund serves the young adults who are in dire need of financial support. Giving to this fund directly helps to sustain young adults when certain situations arise (e.g. injury, health concerns, etc.)
Simply select "Vanguard" under "Reason for Giving."
As a Christian, tithing is biblically mandated. These funds help to sustain the basic functions of the ministry and help to expand our methods of worship and outreach.
Give directly via CashApp or using the donation page. Simply select "Tithes & Offering" from the "Reason for Giving."
As you feel led, we also accept general gifts to the ministry. "Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9:7
Simply select "General" under "Reason for Giving."
You may also giving toward a specific ministry. For example, indicate you are supporting the media team, the worship ministry, or welfare team.
Simply select "Other" from under "Reason for Giving" and type the specific ministry.